Max Pooling


In deep learning, max pooling is a downsampling operation applied to feature maps within convolutional neural networks (CNNs). It reduces the dimensionality of representations, improving computational efficiency and controlling overfitting.


  • Sliding Window: A max pooling layer defines a small window (e.g., 2x2 ) that slides across the input feature map in strides (e.g., a stride of 2).
  • Maximum Value Selection: For each window position, the max pooling operation extracts the maximum value from the elements within the window.
  • Downsampled Feature Map: The output is a new feature map where each element represents the most prominent feature (the maximum) from the corresponding window in the original feature map.


  • Computational Efficiency: Max pooling reduces the number of parameters and computations in subsequent layers of the CNN, making the model faster to train and execute.
  • Translation Invariance: Max pooling introduces a small degree of translation invariance. Minor shifts or distortions in the input image will have less impact on the pooled output due to the focus on maximum values.
  • Overfitting Prevention: By reducing the representation size, max pooling lessens the chance of the model overfitting to the training data.


Consider a 4x4 input feature map:

12  20  30  0
8   15  6   0
33  21  84  2
10  14  25  5

Applying max pooling with a 2x2 window and stride of 2 results in the following 2x2 output feature map:

20  30
33  84

Types of Pooling

  • Max Pooling: The most common type, as described above.
  • Average Pooling: Calculates the average of the values within each window.
  • Global Pooling: Reduces the entire feature map to a single value, often used in the final layers of a CNN.


Max pooling is a fundamental building block in many CNN architectures used for tasks such as:

  • Image Classification
  • Object Detection
  • Semantic Segmentation


Max pooling layers are readily available in deep learning frameworks such as:

  • TensorFlow (e.g., tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D)
  • PyTorch (e.g., torch.nn.MaxPool2d)
  • Caffe